ETIKA PEMBANGUANAN - CAPS(Center for Academic Publishing Service) - 2013 - Social Problem & Social Service |
Menggarami Burung Terbang Local Understandings of National History by Pamela Allen; Abidah El Khalieqy's Novels Challenging Patriarchal Islam by Tineke Hellwig; Splitting, Splitting and splitting again a Brief History of the Development of Regional Government in Indonesia since Independence by Anne Booth; New Town Development in Indonesia Renegotiating, Shaping and Replacing Institutions by Marleen Dieleman. - Huma; Huma Van Vollenhoven Institut; Huma Van Vollenhoven Institut KITLV - 2011 - History, Humanities and Social |
The Power Of Social Innovation - Jossey-Bass Wiley - 2010 - Social Innovation |
A Nation On Fire America in the Wake of the King Assasination - Wiley - 2009 - Social Conditions |
Social Theory Today - Pustaka Pelajar - 2008 - Social Theory |
Social Nature Theory, Practice, and Politics - Blackweel Publishing - 2001 - Politik, Social |
Social Change in Melanesia - Development and History - Cambridge University Press - 2000 - Social Change |
Social Development Research - United Nation - 1997 - Social Development Research |
Social Dimensions of Adjustment - World Bank Experience, 1980-1993 - The World Bank - 1996 - Social, Bank |
Social Forestry and Sustainable Forest Management - Perum. Perhutani - 1994 - Social, Foresty |
No Condition Is Permanent - The Social Dynamics of Agrarian Change In Sub-Saharan Africa - The University Of Winsconsin Press - 1993 - Social Dynamic, Agrian Change |
Social Stratification - a multiple hierarchy approach - Allyn And Bacon - 1980 - Social |
Foundations of Social Psychology - Edward E. Jones - John Wiley Sons, Inc. - 1967 - Social, Psychology |