Aku Warga Negara Indonesia - Gunung Agung - 1972 - Kewarganegaraan |
Guidelines For Project Evaluation - United Nations Publications - 1972 - Development, Industrial |
Introduction to Educational Measurement - Houghton Mifflin Company - 1972 - Introduction To Educational Measurement |
Modern English A Practical Reference - Prentice Hall - 1972 |
Pengantar Filsafat Hukum - Bhratara - 1972 - Filsafat Hukum |
Kamus Teknik 4 Bahasa - Belanda, Inggeris, Jerman, Indonesia - Pradnya Paramita - 1972 - Kamus, Kamus Tehnik |
Labortory Equipment Cataloque 72 - Griffin And George Limited - 1972 - Laboratory |
Lembaran Negara RI Tahun 1972 No. 1-57 - Sekretariat Negara RI - 1972 - Lembaran Negara |
Pidato Kenegaraan Presiden Republik Indonesia Djenderal Soeharto Tahun 1972 - Dep. Penerangan RI - 1972 - Pidato |
Tambahan Lembaran Negara RI Tahun 1972 No. 2980-2993 - Sekretariat Negara RI - 1972 - Lembaran Negara |
Our Tool-Making Society - Englewood Cliffs - 1972 - Our Too, Making Society |
Fisika Untuk Universitas III Optika Fisika Atom - Binatjipta - 1972 - Fisika Untuk Universitas, Optika Fisika Atom |
Planets - Time-Life International - 1972 - Planets |
The Universe - Time-Life Books - 1972 - Universe |
Water - Time-Life Books - 1972 - Water |
The Great Themes - Time-Life Books - 1972 - Great Themes |
Special Problems - Time-Life International - 1972 - Problems |
Photojournalism - Time-Life Books - 1972 - Reporter |
The Body - Time-Life International - 1972 |
Giant Molecules - Time-Life International - 1972 - Molecules |