Pengarang | |
Penerbit | |
Tempat Terbit | STPN Yogyakarta |
Tahun Terbit | 2023 |
Bahasa | Indonesia |
Kolasi | xiii, 55 hlm.;ilus.;30 cm |
Subjek | |
Media | Skripsi |
Abstrak | |
The strategic location of Madiun Regency is supported by the construction of toll roads to facilitate access to transportation as well as the available land which is wide enough to become the target of business investors. In addition, population growth which continues to increase every year will be in tandem with the need for land which will also increase, because land conditions are permanent. This causes land conversion from agriculture to non-agriculture. On the other hand, the impact caused by land conversion is so broad and has an impact on several aspects, one of which is food security. The condition of food security is very dependent on the condition of agricultural land in a region. The more frequent land conversion occurs, the more threatened food security will be. Under these conditions, it is necessary to make efforts to control land conversion as a way to reduce the rate of land conversion. The research method used is mix methods with a descriptive approach. The mix methods used are quantitative with survey and qualitative methods. The research location is in Pilangkenceng District, Madiun Regency. Land use change was analyzed through the process of overlaying land use maps for 2017 and 2022. The land use maps were obtained through the process of interpreting sentinel imagery for 2017 and 2022 visually according to the image characteristics. Changes in land use in 2017-2022 occurred in irrigated rice fields which turned into settlements and industry. Irrigated rice fields turned into settlements covering an area of 1949.5 Ha, and irrigated rice fields turned into industries covering an area of 37 Ha. Changes in land use occurred in six villages in Pilangkenceng District which were categorized into three classes, namely low class Pulerejo Village, Pilangkenceng Village, and Kenongorejo Village. The middle class is Bulu Village, and the high class is Purworejo Village and Kedungrejo Village. Control efforts as an effort to reduce the number of land use change in each category experience differences. Some of the efforts made include conducting socialization to the community related to the mechanism for changing land use, carrying out improvements and counseling as well as skills for cultivators of agricultural land. Supervision is also carried out by the Madiun Regency Land Office, which in this case acts as a recommendation provider for land conversion. Obstacles that occur in efforts to control land conversion include lack of socialization, low community education factors, and lack of human resources who are experts in the spatial field. The solution that can be done with these obstacles is to carry out outreach which can be carried out in collaboration between the village and related agencies. Keywords: Land Conversion, Control, Agricultural |
Nomor Rak | 330 - U | ||||||
Nomor Panggil | 333.598 283 1 Med U | ||||||
Lokasi | Ruang Referensi | ||||||
Eksemplar | 1 | ||||||
PENCARIAN RFID Pencarian koleksi menggunakan RFID akan membantu mempercepat menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Gunakan fitur ini jika mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Untuk menggunakan fitur ini silahkan klik salah satu Tombol Pesan diatas kemudian hubungi Petugas Pelayanan Sirkulasi dengan menyebutkan Judul Bukunya. |