Pengarang | |
Penerbit | |
Tempat Terbit | Yogyakarta |
Tahun Terbit | 2016 |
Bahasa | Indonesia |
Kolasi | xiv, 101 hlm.: ilus.; 29,5 cm |
Subjek | |
Media | Skripsi |
Abstrak | |
Location is often become a major factor that affect the value of the land. Land with strategic location will have a higher land value than land that far from facilities such as the Central Business District (CBD). Currently Solo Baru region is growing rapidly, it is characterized by the emergence of the modern shopping malls, residential, and hotels. so with is constructed of facilities and infrastructure of life support in Solo Baru causes changes in the value of land in the surrounding area. The purpose of this study was to assess changes in the value of land in Solo Baru after the direction of development in this area into the Central Business districk ( CBD ) and how much influence of the Central Business District (CBD) location distance to changes in the value of land in the area of Solo Baru. The method used is analytical survey method with quantitative approach. This research was carried as far as 500 meters on the left and right of the road Ir. Sukarno. While data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation study. Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression with three independent variables are within the distance of land parcels from Ir. Sukarno street, the distance of land parcels from The Park Mall and the distance of land parcels from Hartono Mall, as well as the dependent variable is the value of land in 2013 and 2015. To determine the influence of the dependent variable on the independent variable performed classical assumption (multikolinieritas, heterokedastisitas and autocorrelation) and statistical tests ( R2 test, F test and T test). The results showed that changes the value of land in Solo Baru after the direction of development in this area into the Central Business district (CBD) amounted to 230.74%. Central Business District (CBD) location distance which influence the changes of land value in the area of Solo Baru are the distance of land parcels from Ir. Sukarno street with the significant value = 0,00, the distance of land parcels from The Park Mall with the significant value = 0,026 and the distance of land parcels from Hartono Mall with the significant value = 0,946. A high demand for land in the location of the Central Business District (CBD) New Solo will cause land values to rise. if it allowed to continue will result in the value of land in these locations will soar and become uncontrollable. It required an instrument to suppress the value of land in the region. The results of this study can be used as a basis in the context of land policy related to the making of land value zone map . land value Information contained on the land value zone map is expected to be utilized by the communities as a reference in terms of transactions in the area of Solo Baru so that it can suppress the change in the value of land that is not under control at that location. Key words: Central Business District (CBD) and Land Value. |
Nomor Rak | 330 - P | ||||||
Nomor Panggil | 333 Ari P | ||||||
Lokasi | Ruang Referensi | ||||||
Eksemplar | 1 | ||||||
PENCARIAN RFID Pencarian koleksi menggunakan RFID akan membantu mempercepat menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Gunakan fitur ini jika mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Untuk menggunakan fitur ini silahkan klik salah satu Tombol Pesan diatas kemudian hubungi Petugas Pelayanan Sirkulasi dengan menyebutkan Judul Bukunya. |