Pengarang | |
Penerbit | |
Tempat Terbit | Yogyakakarta |
Tahun Terbit | 2016 |
Bahasa | Indonesia |
Kolasi | xiii, 133 hlm.: ilus.; 29,5 cm |
Subjek | |
Media | Skripsi |
Abstrak | |
Community empowerment is an effort of potentials, energies and forces strengthening, owned by citizen/community to build their life to the better. Community empowerment is an effort to reduce the decrease of farmers, breeders, and traders household which always increasing up to 20% based on Central Bureau of Statistic in 2003 and 2013. Community empowerment in Tutur Sub District through Larasita has been carried out to optimize potentials existing in the area. It is because most of Tutur District community’s livelihood as farmers and the geographical condition of the area is at an altitude 700-1200 meters above sea level which is perfect for agriculture and husbandry. Based on above grounds the researcher eagered to learn how is the strategy of community empowerment through this Larasita and how is the constraints in the implementation of this community empowerment. Qualitative research method with descriptive approach were methods used in this research. Data collection technic was conducted by observation, interviews and documentary study. Data analysis technic performed was by collecting all relevant data thoroughly, reduced unnecessary data and drafting proportional statements. Based on result of the research it was discovered that community empowerment through Larasita in Wonosary and Tutur Villages in cooperation with other Agencies and capital institutions. It was carried out in order it can provide reform access which supporting potential strengthening contains in society and their land. The established cooperation was succeeded providing capital access in the amount of Rp.2.655.850.000 for Wonosari Village and Rp.2.700.250.000 for Tutur Village used by the empowerment participants for fee in the making of land certificate and increasing their business capital. This empowerment was also in collaboration with the village apparatuses and and villagers for the establishment of pokmasdartibnah in order to optimize the implementation of Larasita. The establishment of pokmasdartibnah was aimed to assist the community to process the land certificate easyly, rapidly, and cheaply as well as to assist land office discovering potentials existing in community and their land. In the process of implementation of community emplowerment through Larasita there were several constraints occurred involving lack of human resources at Land Office, lack of cooperation established in the empowerment program, as well as in the filing of certificate application there were many villagers did not have any grounds of their land ownership rights. Key Words: Community Service for Land Certification, Empowerment |
Nomor Rak | |||||||
Nomor Panggil | |||||||
Lokasi | Ruang Referensi | ||||||
Eksemplar | 1 | ||||||
PENCARIAN RFID Pencarian koleksi menggunakan RFID akan membantu mempercepat menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Gunakan fitur ini jika mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Untuk menggunakan fitur ini silahkan klik salah satu Tombol Pesan diatas kemudian hubungi Petugas Pelayanan Sirkulasi dengan menyebutkan Judul Bukunya. |