Pengarang | |
Penerbit | |
Tempat Terbit | Jogjakarta |
Tahun Terbit | 2015 |
Bahasa | Indonesia |
Kolasi | - |
Subjek | |
Media | Skripsi |
Abstrak | |
Legal certainty guarantee for the land right holder will be realized if the data of land registration activity result has right, subject and object certainty. Therefore, available land information must have quality. Looking at the low quality of land registration data, specifically spatial data therefore it needs to be conducted a spatial data quality improvement. The achievement target is to make sure electronic land data is identical with physical data, either in textual-spatial data link-up or relative position of mapped land. This research will describe spatial data quality issues at land office, further the problematic data will be improved thus realized a better quality spatial data. The objectives of this research are to study the spatial data quality improvement process at Kotabaru District Land Office, as well as to learn constraints encountered in the implementation of the activities. Research method used in this research was action research method. Action research method was used by focusing on the efforts to change spatial data quality into expected condition, namely to overcome spatial data error at Kotabaru District Land Office. Analysis technique used was qualitative data analysis,namely by performing data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawal. Results of the research were: First, mechanism of spatial data quality improvement of registered land in GeoKKP was conducted by several stages;those were preparation, textual data entry, land digitalization, graphic index mapping and spatial and textual data integration. There are stages have not conducted at Kotabaru District Land Office namely validation stage. Second, the improvement of spatial data quality at Kotabaru District Land Office still encountered many constraints including double numbering, missing GS/SU, difficulty in identifying lands/plots which has no coordinate, parcels that were listed without NIB and no funding for spatial data quality improvement activities. KeyWords: Kadastral, GeoKKP, GIM, Land Issue |
Nomor Rak | 000 - 6 | ||||||
Nomor Panggil | 006 | ||||||
Lokasi | Ruang Baca | ||||||
Eksemplar | 1 | ||||||
![]() Pencarian koleksi menggunakan RFID akan membantu mempercepat menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Gunakan fitur ini jika mengalami kesulitan dalam menemukan koleksi di rak buku. Untuk menggunakan fitur ini silahkan klik salah satu Tombol Pesan diatas kemudian hubungi Petugas Pelayanan Sirkulasi dengan menyebutkan Judul Bukunya. |